Detox Therapy is the removal of metallic toxic substances from the body. In conventional medicine, detox therapy can also be achieved artificially by techniques such as dialysis and (in a very limited number of cases) chelation therapy.
There is a scientific evidence-based medicine for this type of detoxification. Many alternative medicine practitioners promote various other types of detoxification such as “diet detoxification”. The detox therapy at our office, is performed to rid the body of toxic metals. Toxic metals, including heavy metals, are individual metals and metal compounds that negatively affect people’s health. Some toxic, semi-metallic elements, including arsenic and selenium, are discussed in this page. In very small amounts, many of these metals are necessary to support life. However, in larger amounts, they become toxic. They may build up in biological systems and become a significant health hazard. This page provides a starting point for technical and regulatory information about toxic metals.
We Offer
Coffee Enema
A coffee enema is a type of colon cleanse used in alternative medicine. During the procedure, a mixture of brewed, caffeinated coffee and water is inserted into the colon through the rectum.
IV Medicine
Vitamin drips are more than just treatments for a ‘rough night out.’ They actually reap many positive benefits like decreasing stress, improving sleep, recovering muscles, enhancing your mood, and hydration.
Medical Nutrition Therapy (MNT)
Nutrition therapy is the treatment of a medical condition, for example diabetes mellitus, through changes in diet, by adjusting quantity, quality and methods of nutrient intake.
Organ System Cleanses
The human body possesses self-regulatory mechanisms that are self-healing.
39344 US Hwy 19 N Tarpon Springs, FL 34689 United States
Phone : (727) 940 5278
Email: [email protected]
Monday – Friday
09:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Saturday & Sunday – Closed